3mm-5mm Sunboard Printing Delhi-Shivani Enterprises

Restaurant Branding,  Corporate Wall Branding, Notice Board Do’s & Don’t, Easel Standee, Sunboard Cutouts, Store Branding, Exhibition Install Decoration, and Making a Model need a printing sun board. Do call at 3mm-5mm Sunboard Printing Delhi.

Advertising on sun board even it is for Indoor branding or outdoor used in both terms.

Sunboard material and its uses

  • Sunboard is sturdy, lightweight, easy to cut, smooth finish, on both sides soft clay-coated stuff made it easy to print upon the high-quality phototype text and image.
  • A sun board is technically known as Foam Board. A special form of plastic materials for advertising purposes.
  • Sunboard is available in the market between 0.33 to 0.50 density with different names and purposes.
  • Direct printing can be applied to it through a flatbed printing UV machine or printed vinyl with backing adhesive can be pasted.
  • Advertising sun board printing life lasts up to 2-3 years for outdoor and indoors 7-8 years along.
  • Sunboard Printing costs depend on sun board thickness, printing quality, and post-printing application likewise (direct printing application, lamination, automated router cutting, etc.)
  • A standard sun board printing price starts from Rs. 75 square feet and goes up to 150/- per square feet.
  • In a few cases, sun board sheets can be used multi times by replacing printing vinyl media such as short-term advertising like sales, offers, and discount displays.
  • It is easy to install through double side tape onto the supporting back (wooden, brick,, metal, gloss wall), hanging from the false ceiling, and nailing down from the wall.
  • Get the benefit of the same-day sun board printing pickup from store and doorstep delivery.
  • Easy to mount on it, any type of back media adhesive (paper, white vinyl, reflective and clear vinyl).

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